Have you wondered what it's like to create your own mala? Here's a first hand account from Lauren who recently attended a TWC mala workshop.
Facilitating a journey like this is such an incredible honour. Check out the Circles link for upcoming workshop dates, or please contact us if you would like to host a private mala workshop for your sacred event. Whether it be a baby shower, birthday or full moon women's circle, creating malas with your sisters is a truly blessed ceremony to share.
my mala, by Lauren Maree
"Mala beads are typically made out of different materials, and the properties of the beads are said to have specific energetic effects. Different spiritual practices and religious traditions historically have used beads of a specific material.
"Using Prayer Beads as a tool for meditation is as old as human history. Prayer beads have physical, metaphysical and psychological affects on their users".

The rudraksha seeds assist to ease my busy mind, keeping negative thoughts at bay to keep me grounded.
"I am Strong". The crystals that resonated with me we chosen to reflect this mantra, my Sankalpa. Crystals assoicated with the throat chakra encourage me to confidently speak my truth, and crystals assoicated to the heart chakra emanate self love and healing.

Finished off with a soft pale pink tassel and silver lotus charm, complimenting my Grandfather's St Christopher pendant. To my delight, with movement the charms meet to produce a soft chime - a healing sound, bringing my awareness to the present moment. Each element in my mala radiates beautiful positive energy.
The unique addition of my Grandparent's sacred Catholic charms infuse my mala with love and safety. "She" is especially meaningful to me with these elements. When I wear Her i feel a warmth as I carry my Grandparent's Spirit with me.
My mala keeps me present not just in meditation, but in life. During the day She helps me to connect with the Divine and my ancestral star. She initiates the release of negative energies and brings peace into my aura.